gothic light
The Gothic Light Workshop invites students to create a Gothic stained glass window using colorful theater light filters. In this workshop, students will learn not only about Gothic architecture and the Middle Ages, but also about the effect of color on the human soul and the importance of color not only for human life.
program length
4 lessons
minimum age
10 years
1 school class
target knowledge specific
basic overview of baroque architecture, literature, language, sculpture and painting
general target knowledge
insight into the historical conditionality of the interpretation of history, the principle of elite mobility
target skills
organization and cooperation in the group, acceptance of their assumptions and the resulting role in the group, formulation and articulation of working and non-working principles within the working group, self-reflection, developing the ability to evaluate others and evaluate activities
the technical requirements
school class with the possibility of creating work centers, windows, ideally the possibility to connect a computer to the sound system (possibility to also send a sound recording to a computer that is connected to the court system in the given class)
200 / pupil
"I liked how we could do it, as we wanted. That we thought it was. "
"Then it shone beautifully in the window and in the morning our class always shone."
"I'd like to go to a workshop like that again."