Enter if you want.
Rest if you want.
Feel free to do anything.
Just do what you want and get as much as you want and need.
The participatory project was created in 2019 in order to find tools for engaging the audience in the creative process. During the creation, we collaborated with various social groups, from the sellers of Nový prostor to high school students. The current form of the project was created at the residence covered by the SE.S.TA Choreographic Development Center at Žďár nad Sázavou Castle. The project also includes documentation and archiving of the transformation of the space
and fingerprints of participants in the form of authorized statements, whether verbal or visual.
"The concept is simple. The audience enters the theater space and they basically have
unlimited time to respond to the installation that is ready in it. Then they come back and together
with the creators about what they saw, perceived, felt, did and why in space, they discuss ... The result
it is not a 'finished' work of art, but it should be knowledge of the man within us. "
- Vladimír Hulec, Divadelní noviny
"I lowered the foil from the window, I wanted to make the room bigger. I wanted the plastic shells to rustle."
"I was looking for the best angle to look at."
- participant in the installation site

artistic collaboration
Aneta Fodorová and Martina Dobiášová
Juliana Höschlová